Reiko from Peru#10 美しくなった女性たち ~ペルー在住鏑木玲子さんのエッセイ~
I have been noticing since a year or so. More señoras have been using lip-sticks. They have been getting more money than some time ago from their work at the workshop. There were two or three and then four or five. They are pretty. Shouldn’t they spend money for that? They should if it makes them feel happier.
I used to say to them before the visit of someone who wants to see our work place, “Please don’t wear diamond or gold pierced earrings tomorrow. We will have a couple of visitors. They will be surprised if they see you with these earrings”. Of course it was a joke.
They like shiny earrings and they only cost one or two soles for a pair. Now it is like a revolution; they are finding that they are much prettier with some colours on the lips. I’m glad as they are making themselves happier that way. Anyway they also cost only two or three soles. They are wearing better also, although I notice that some of them are what I gave them and some other things are what Japanese students brought when they visited us. Women have right to be pretty and happy, haven’t they?
彼女たちはキラキラしたイヤリングが好きで、それは1〜2ソルしかしません。そして今、工房では大きな変化が起きています。彼女たちは唇に色を添え、より美しくなっているのです。私は彼女たちが、そのような方法で幸せになるのをうれしく思っています。それらには2〜3ソルしかかからないのですからね。 彼女たちの中には、私が譲った洋服や、日本の学生がこちらに訪れたときに持ってきてくれた洋服を着ている人もいますが、装いもきれいになってきています。