
Reiko from Peru #12 貧しさ ~ペルー在住鏑木玲子さんのエッセイ~

Poverty (1) Our case

I know poverty a little from my own experience. After leaving Korea where we couldn’t live together as a family, we went to Hawaii with an invitation of John Hess and Lynn Stansbery (I don’t remember the correct spelling). We lived in John and Lynn’s house without paying anything to them. John had arranged about my husband’s study of Hansen disease and tuberculosis in the University of Hawaii. His donation to the University was given to my husband as scholarship. It was $500 per month. Paying tuition, we didn’t have so much for our life, about $50 per week.


私は貧しさというものを、自分自身の経験から少しわかっているつもりです。韓国を離れてから、John HessとLynn Stanbery (スペルが間違っているかもしれません)の招待状をもって、ハワイへ移住しました。家賃を払わずに、JohnとLynnの家に住まわせてもらいました。Johnは、夫がハワイ大学でハンセン病と結核の研究ができるよう準備もしてくれました。彼の大学への寄付は、夫の奨学金となったのです。毎月600ドルという額でした。学費を払うと、生活にあてるお金はほとんどなく、1週間に50ドルほどしか使えませんでした。

Poverty meant not to be able to eat what we wanted, not to be able to buy toys more than a couple of toy cars a year, not to be able to buy clothes for any one of our family, taking my son to the beach was the only thing I could do for him, and so on. Not having had experienced poverty before that, I was just unhappy and miserable. (The poverty all the Japanese experienced after the World War II was different, as everyone was poor and my parents did very hard to make our life as tolerable as possible.)


Sometime after one year and a half in Hawaii, my husband had to decide what to do after the graduation. He decided to go to American Samoa as an outpatient clinic of LBJ (?) hospital. Salary was not very good, but much, much better than the money we could spend in Hawaii. We lived as a normal family without feeling that we were poor anymore.

What did I do while I was in Hawaii? I tried to get a certificate to teach Japanese to foreigners studying by correspondence course. We couldn’t send our son to preschool until we made a little money, it means I didn’t have any time free from raising my son. Of course it is forbidden to work for foreigners in the US, but I couldn’t do anything even if it had been allowed because of the situation we were in.


After American Samoa we went to Fiji Islands as my husband could join WHO. We were young, so we had hope for the future. We were lucky, but more than that, the efforts my husband made after that made our life easier and we could have a good hope for our son’s future.




