
Reiko from Peru #16 「14周年記念」~ペルー在住鏑木玲子さんのエッセイ~

down workshop

May 12, 14th anniversary of the foundation of Mujeres Unidas

The workshop of Mujeres Unidas was founded fourteen years ago. At that time, that was a small group of women who got together and they were making coloured candles or small ornaments with clay. When I went to see them in 2002, there were only four members. I wanted them to learn something which will bring some financial support to those women. We have thirteen members at present. There are movements all the time. One of them will leave on Tuesday as her husband wants to go to his homeland to work in the townhall.

5月12日 ムヘレス・ウニダス設立14周年記念


We always celebrate the day of the foundation on the day of Mother’s Day lunch, this year on the 8th of May. This year the menu of the lunch was pachamanca, one of the Peruvian typical dishes. This is cooked in a hole made in the ground. All the ingredients are put on top of heated stones and covered. These days especially in the city, it is difficult or impossible to make a hole in the ground, so many people cook it in a big pot. They put meat of cow, pork, lamb and guinea pigs, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, corns, and everything. This year only lamb meat was put with other non-meat ingredients. It becomes a big dish even if only one kind of all is served. It was good.


After the luncheon, there was an election of the president of our workshop. The leaders are chosen every two years. This time, it was only president had to be elected as other members of the leaders’ group have been chosen just some time ago, as the former ones had to leave Carabayllo. Three members were nominated, and finally Yolanda Solis was elected. I’m glad for this choice, as she had been president for two years and her efforts brought better results both quantity and quality-wise.




This kind of choice is difficult as most members don’t know what kind of people are needed to lead the group. Good friends, those who have been in the group for a long time, other ones whose voice is loud, who are not too strong and lenient to them are liked by some members especially by those who have been in our group for a long time. It is a problem that there are some small groups among the big group and some people try to manipulate others. It may be the same in any kind of group.
I hope our work goes well with the efforts of all of the members of Mujeres Unidas.







